All of our reverse osmosis (RO) desalination watermakers can be sold as a modular RO watermaker for installation in a boat or vehicle. Each installation is different but we are here to assist you get what you need for a successful installation.
During your installation we make ourselves available should you have any trouble or just need some of the installation information clarified, using videos and photos we have been able to make ever install to date a successful installation.
Below you will find some information on carrying out your own installation both with and without a remote panel.
Permanent Installation of a Reverse Osmosis Desalination Watermaker System in a Boat Without Panel
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I have a 240volt 60/100 ltr/hr unit.It has been pickled for nearly 3 years.When un pickled it needed new o rings as it leaked,and also it only makes 25ltr/hr,and not good quality water.Could the membrane been damaged being pickled too lomg.Everything else works well,with the pressure pump blowing the releaf valve a couple of times.Seems to me the membrane is blocked and alowing salt through.How much is another membrane with postage to New Zealand.
Regards Martin
Hi Martin, did you want to drop me an email to and I can walk you through getting this sorted. Cheers Jo